Presidential Fellows

一年级学生表现出优异的学习成绩和参与 高中可能会被邀请申请为期四年的总统研究员计划. 研究员可以获得独特的学习和探索机会,优先课程 registration, possible additional scholarship dollars, and more. Presidential Fellows 在更大的九州娱乐官网社区内形成一个紧密、专注的社区.

Unique Enrichment and Scholarship Opportunites

如果你在高中期间表现出优异的学习成绩和投入, 你可能会在录取过程中被提名申请成为总统研究员. 提名是在你的录取通知书中提交的,还有一篇论文和面试 接下来的步骤. 

  • 总统奖学金候选人有机会申请额外的奖学金, ranging from the highly-selective George Washington Signature Scholarship* — a full-tuition, four-year scholarship available to one student — to the selective Francis Waters Scholarship — an up to $5,000 tuition scholarship available to multiple students.
    • 每位接受总统研究员计划面试的学生都将获得 an annual scholarship of at least $3,000 -与其他优点或经济资助叠加-即使你最终没有被选中 to be a Presidential Fellow. If chosen to be a Presidential Fellow, the scholarship 完成面试的人将成为最终总统研究员的一部分 奖.

*The George Washington Signature Scholarship replaces other merit offers.

  • Access priority course registration for your first two years.
  • 享受与其他总统研究员共享类似研究的选择 habits and social interests.
  • Enjoy a fall kick-off mixer and an end-of-year social.
  • Be recognized with a Presidential Fellows cord at graduation.
  • 参加教师主导的丰富学习活动,组织成主题,期间 第一年. 
  • 参加旨在帮助你利用重要经验的项目,包括 internships, externships, post-graduate and career-oriented opportunities.
  • 参加年度社长奖助生领袖高峰会,这是一个充满活力、为期三天的活动 在这里,研究员通过研讨会、社交活动与同行和专业人士交流 networking, and applied 领导 initiatives. The Summit culminates with students showcasing their projects to President Sosulski.  

  • 与学院分会赞助的活动建立联系并建立简历 优等生协会,道格拉斯·卡特青年研究员协会,以及欧米克隆三角洲的成员 Kappa national 领导 honor society. These opportunities can help you qualify 杰出的国家荣誉,如富布赖特奖学金,罗德奖学金,马歇尔奖学金, 戈德华特和杜鲁门奖学金,以及进入九州娱乐官网的机会 Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. Of the 29 WC students inducted into Phi Beta Kappa in 2023, about two-thirds were Presidential Fellows.

Presidential Fellows 2024

我们的社长研究员计划背后的基本原则是:“领导力就是探究。 这就推动了行动."  


Washington College Graduation

Four-year 领导 program

社长奖学金学生计划将促进您的愿景和规划 unique 领导 pathway during your time at Washington College and beyond. 从 从你的第一个学期到大四,你将与教职员工合作, 以及各种各样的学生组织,但也许最重要的是,与其他 Presidential Fellows. A vital portion of 领导 skills development will happen student-to-student.  By your senior year, you’ll assist a new cohort of Presidential Fellows to learn, lead, and grow. 


在你成为校长研究员的第一年,你将参加由教师领导的 events organized into 主题. These 主题 allow you to more easily identify which opportunities you would like to explore to grow as a student and leader. 的主题 是由学生主导的吗?教师是根据学生的调查结果来建立活动的吗.  

Business Management


在企业的心脏-公共或私人,小型创业,或大公司 — is the creation of value. But this only happens because people fuel the process. 企业、非营利组织和其他组织分享想法、合作和变革 raw materials into valuable activities, goods, and services.

总统奖学金获得者将探索组织如何在其社区中创造价值. 学生们将参观企业和非营利组织,与领导人交谈,并与华盛顿会面 大学校友正在利用他们的教育为他们的职业创造价值. Problems will be tackled to forge solutions that create value for our community.


Caddie Putnam Rankin, Business Management

Lansing Williams, Business Management


The Great Questions

这个主题的灵感来自于牛津大学的两种经典的高等教育方法 牛津大学的哲学、政治和经济专业,以及众所周知的课程 被称为“伟人”,以丰富人类的思想家的不朽作品为特色 经验. Students explore enduring questions about the nature of happiness, knowledge, religion, freedom, politics, economics, and the good life.

该主题还鼓励学生通过努力实现目标来锻炼领导能力 这就是古典思想家所说的实践智慧——将发现的原则付诸实践的智慧 in theoretical inquiry. Students often meet for conversation over shared meals. 此外, 他们被邀请参加特别活动-包括通过研究所获得的机会 宗教、政治和文化专业的学生都能获得实习机会,最终, 你是否可以选择参加牛津大学的海外学习项目 in Prague and Vienna with a study tour of Auschwitz.


Joseph Prud’homme, 政治科学

Peter Weigel, Philosophy and Religion

Environmental Science & 研究

Exploring the Environment

在这个完全沉浸式的主题中,学生将通过活动探索环境 such as hiking, camping, kayaking, geocaching, and stargazing. 教师 leaders will 帮助学生获得对物理、化学和生物的基本理解 aspects of each unique environment visited. Human impacts on each environment will also be considered and serve as a unifying theme throughout the semester. 演讲嘉宾 是否愿意加入我们的环保探索,提供他们的知识和专业知识 on anthropogenic impacts to the natural world.


Robin Van Meter, Biology and Environmental Science & 研究

Rebecca Fox, Environmental Science & 研究

Brian Scott, Economics and Environmental Science & 研究

Jill Bible, Environmental Science & 研究



文学一直是用来激励和挑战的最持久的工具之一 领导. In this Theme, Presidential Fellows who consider themselves inquisitive 读者、有抱负的编辑、勇敢的记者或有创造力的作家都会参与进来 在九州娱乐官网及其周围有着悠久的文学活动历史 校园.

学生将探索语言与其能力和责任之间的联系 为了通过与全国知名作家和记者的对话来实现改变, 参观档案馆、图书馆和博物馆,暑假去约克郡学习风景 and literature, and other such 经验s.


Sufiya Abdur-Rahman, Creative Writing

Liz O’Connor, 英语

Courtney Rydel, 英语



What will be your future as a citizen leader? The story of human history is, in many 这是我们努力克服压迫和解决不平等问题的故事 establish greater equality within and between nations. Global leaders and citizens 是否受到贫困、饥荒、压迫等持续存在的社会问题的挑战 基于种族、性别、性取向、国籍、宗教、阶级和地理 location, and impunity and injustice.

社会正义是一场马拉松,需要充满激情的个人接受训练 and 经验 to confront the challenges that await them. Students are provided with 对世界上的社会公正问题有学术上的了解并给予机会 to DO social justice. Access to mentors and events will ensure students are ready to hit the ground running upon graduation.


Christine Wade, 政治科学 & International 研究

Rachel Durso, Sociology

Emily Steinmetz, Anthropology

Flavio Hickel, 政治科学

Carrie Reiling, 政治科学 & International 研究